Tuesday, February 16, 2010

sat vocabulary

Digression- a change of topic in a theme or story

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I thought that the person interviewing Jay-z did a good job because he asked one good open question that kept him talking for a while.

The perfect person for me to interview would be Rex Ryan, the jets head coach. Five questions I would ask him are...

1. How do you handle the pressure of being a NFL head coach?

2. What was it like growing up watching your dad coach?

3. How do you come up with are your diffrent defensive schemes?

4. Who is the best player you have ever coached?

5. What is your greatest football achievement?

Monday, February 1, 2010

10 interview questions

1. How many years of college do you need to become a teacher?

2. What type of benifits do you recieve for working for the school board?

3. What grade level do you feel most comfortable teaching?

4. What got you interested in teaching children?

5. What do you do with your time off during the summer?

6. Is being a teacher a stessful job?

7. What do you enjoy most about your job?

8. What would you be if you were not a teacher?

9. What made you choose the subject that you teach?

10. Do you feel like you can change a student's life?